The Yoga Hour
This hour of keen insight into spiritual principles touches upon the most practical aspects of our lives and speaks to our deepest yearnings for awakening. Find inspiration, insights, and time-tested practices from the ancient system of Kriya Yoga, a philosophy and practice for fulfilled living in today’s world.

Thursday May 29, 2014
Thursday May 29, 2014
One of the greatest tools of spiritual yoga is attitude—choosing the thoughts and beliefs that will support one’s highest consciousness and unshakable happiness. Yogacharya O’Brian and Nayaswami Gyandev McCord explore universal teachings from the ancient Yoga tradition about attitude. Learn tips and techniques for cultivating an attitude that can help you to:
· Reap greater benefits from all aspects of your yoga practice.
· Prepare for success in every endeavor.
· Enjoy a greater sense of relaxation, expansion, and freedom.
Choose an attitude in each moment that will open the door to experiencing the joy of your own divine essence of being.

Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
When the brain is healed, the mind heals; when the mind heals, emotions heal, and when emotions heal, the body heals. Then the soul can express to it's full potential. Marty Wuttke, pioneer and expert in neurofeedback therapy, joins Yogacharya for an enlightening exploration of:
· What modern science tells us about optimal brain functioning.
· How spiritual practices work to heal the mind/body/emotions.
· What becomes possible when we become fully present.
Heal, enlighten, and change your brain for awakening to the Infinite Oneness expressing as all that is.

Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
Max Strom joins Yogacharya O’Brian for a conversation about how we can live more fully, with greater appreciation and happiness. Discover practical guidelines to:
• Increase your self-awareness.
• Embrace a daily regime that heals and empowers you.
• Eliminate distractions from meaningful living.
• Experience a deeper level of well-being.
When you take charge of your own healing and revitalization, you also contribute to the empowerment of others and the healing of our world. You already have all the apps you need—and they are inside of you!

Thursday Apr 17, 2014
Thursday Apr 17, 2014
Is the stuff piling up around you keeping you from what is important? Andrew Mellen, organizational expert and author of Unstuff Your Life, joins Yogacharya for a look at how we can learn to:
· Think rationally about our material possessions
· Live effectively with our stuff in ways that enhance our well-being
· Break old habits that drain our energy
· Do less and accomplish more
Practicing discernment regarding material possessions and how we relate to them is part of spiritual growth. When we arrange conditions in our environment to invite our inner light to shine forth, we foster healing in our own life and in the lives of others.

Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Join Yogacharya and guest Pravrajika Brahmaprana for a conversation about the light from yoga and Vedanta that brings healing from fear and inspires a life of courage.
• Let go of limiting worries, concerns, doubts, and fears that are based on the small ego-self.
• Find out how to do your best and let go of the rest.
• Discover the support that is available through Self-knowledge, skillful work, and the heart of devotion.
• Cast off your burdens and step forward with Self-confidence.
Your divine Self can face any challenge and thrive fully in the present moment. This is the promise of yoga and Vedanta.

Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Grief is like an ocean wave that sweeps over the ego, taking everything away with it. If we let go into it with awareness, without trying to resist or control life, it can take us into the depths of our being, where what remains, the true Self, is revealed. The time of transition from this earthly existence can give rise to enormous grief, and it can also be a source of great healing. Yogacharya O'Brian welcomes special guests Rev. Shanti McCartney and Rev. Ronda Macchello for a conversation about:
* Spiritual teachings from the yoga tradition about the end of life
* The grieving process as a response to the experience of loss
* How grief can open a doorway to blessing, healing, and transformation
Tune in, receive inspiration and support for your journey through grief to healing.

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
There is a perceptible radiance we can see and experience when encountering someone who shines brightly with the light of Spirit. While this same light is within everyone, its radiance is only revealed as its vehicles of the body and mind are receptive to it. This special one-hour session with Yogacharya will explore how we can “lighten up”—both literally and figuratively.
· Are you look for ways to relieve stress and experience greater peace and well-being?
· Have you wondered if it is possible to live a balanced life in the fast pace of today’s world?
Yogacharya will offer three key spiritual practices for letting go of stress, finding balance, and letting our inner light shine through the body and mind.

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
There are many twists and turns on the mystical path of spiritual awakening. It’s great when we feel that we are making progress, but there can also be dark times when we despair how far we have yet to go.
· What can we learn from St. John of the Cross, the sixteenth century Christian mystic about this dark night? Mirabai Starr’s translation of his spiritual classic, Dark Night of the Soul, makes that wisdom accessible, profoundly meaningful, and helpful for us today.
· If you have ever felt the nearness of divine delight only to later find yourself in the desert of difficulty, seemingly without support, you’ll rejoice to discover the encouragement and insight that yoga practice provides.
Yogacharya O’Brian and Mirabai Starr explore what that dark night truly is and how we can find solace and support in the midst of it.

Thursday Mar 06, 2014
Thursday Mar 06, 2014
If you think yoga therapy means twisting yourself into a pretzel, you will be surprised to learn that it is nothing like that! Listen to Yogacharya O’Brian and John Kepner, executive director of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and learn:
· What yoga therapy is
· How your day-to-day activities are influenced by conditioning
· What research is showing about the effectiveness of yoga therapy
· How you can make lifestyle changes for increased wellness
Take charge of your wellness now. Refine and improve how you feel every day!

Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Spiritual healing begins with wholeness, realizing that we are not separate from Source. Yogacharya O’Brian and special guest Phil Bolsta, author of Through God’s Eyes, share inspiration from universal teachings that shine the light of Truth on the path of awakening to our own beauty and perfection. Let the healing begin!